Is the trainer always right or always wrong

Is the trainer always right or always wrong?

Although this was originally written regarding sheepdog training it applies to any given task.

Generally when a trainer gives advice to a handler it is for that split second only. Thereafter if the sheep move, dog moves you move, the weather changes, other sheep come into play the original advice no longer applies to the same extent.
Training regimes need to be flexible to allow for the state of a dogs mind.
If eg you try and get a dog to flank square and it keeps cutting in, the chances are that you are failing. The more you fail the more you will upset your dog and cause confusion. Once your dog enters a confused state of mind following the same tact as before will only lead to further confusion. Being flexible allows for an empathetic approach. By looking at the eyes, ears, tail carraige as well as the whole you are better placed to make the changes that are necessary.

The advice that a trainer gives is usually for that second only based on his/her perceptions. My concept of opposites provides a big clue in how to solve problems.
It is normal to work towards a goal however the moment your actions cause an adverse reaction in your dog the goal has to be achieved in a different way. Constant pressure without release causes a breakdown in communication and a willingness for the dog to want to work.

A trainer will normally focus on the whole as well as the individual parts whereas a handler may only focus on the dog.

In many cases advice/actions that succeeds also

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