Having spoken to a vet this morning I can confirm that the information given in our handout is still applicable although I would clarify that after the coughing has stopped, in the some cases dogs can still be infectious for up to two weeks. In extreme cases this can extend to up to three months.

If your dog has not been vaccinated against kennel cough and contracts the disease it is worth having the vaccination immediately as it will help to shorten the length of the infection. In the vast number of cases there is nothing to be worried about and only the very young and old dogs can sometimes have  complications.

I am currently awaiting further advice from a vet regarding a safe vaccinating programme. I have attempted to contact all the members from the Church Langton club however one member has not completed the contact details on the form and as such this makes it difficult for us to make contact. If anyone has not heard from us would you please get in touch.

The proposed plan is that the Beginners will have a talk this week with no dogs being present, which was scheduled for next week and the Intermedates will close. Members will be advised as and when new information becomes available. If in the meantime your dog does contract kc then please inform us and seek veterinary help. It would also be a good idea to use the following:

1 Denes Garlic tablets

2 Apple Cider Vinegar in the drinking water

3 Colloidal Silver either sprayed directly into the mouth or in the drinking water. See our links page and if ordering mention me and the club.

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